Majority of Americans Support Workplace Equality

According to the recently released 2010 Out & Equal Workplace Survey, 78% of heterosexual adults agree that how an employee performs at his or her job should be the standard for judging an employee, not their sexual orientation. Three out of five  heterosexual adults agree that regardless of their sexual orientation, all employees are entitled to equal benefits, such as health insurance for their partners or spouses.

When also asked about different workplace benefits offered to spouses of married heterosexual employees compared to committed partners of LGBT employees, 74% of heterosexuals think both spouses and partners should receive family leave to deal with the loss of a spouse/partner or close family member.

Seven out of 10 heterosexual adults also think both spouses and partners should receive leave rights for family and medical emergencies as outlined in the Family and Medical Leave Act. 63% of heterosexuals also think both spouses and partners should receive untaxed health insurance benefits.

The 2010 Out & Equal Workplace Survey was conducted online by Harris Interactive in conjunction with Out & Equal Workplace Advocates and Witeck-Combs Communications. A total of 2,775 U.S. adults participated in the survey— of whom 2,334 indicated they are heterosexual and 386 self-identified as LGBT.