Prague Holds First Gay Pride March

gay pride march prague

A few thousand proud LGBT people and their allies bravely marched through Prague in the Czech capital’s first Gay Pride festival.

Over 300 police stood by to protect the march, which has been a source of controversy and protests in the capital city since it was announced. An aide to the President of the Czeck Republic had been quoted as saying that gays were “deviants” which was followed by a statement by President Vaclav Kraus saying the parade was a manifestation of “homosexualism,” not homosexuality, and that he perceived “deviant” as a “neutral word in terms of value.”

The Czech Republic’s Conservative Christian Democrats held a counter-parade in support of traditional family values, and dozens of protesters lined the streets to shout hateful comments to the marchers.

The festival boasted over 75 events all over Prague, including concerts, films, seminars, exhibitions and parties.