A NY Times article written by Sabrina Tavernise, explores recent data from the Census Bureau on gay families, which shows gay parenting to be more common in the southern US. Jacksonville, Florida for example, has one of the highest populations of gay parents in the entire nation. Read the full NY Times article here
“Gay couples in Southern states like Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi and Texas are more likely to be raising children than their counterparts on the West Coast, in New York and in New England.
The pattern, identified by Mr. Gates, is also notable because the families in this region defy the stereotype of a mainstream gay America that is white, affluent, urban and living in the Northeast or on the West Coast.
“We’re starting to see that the gay community is very diverse,” said Bob Witeck, chief executive of Witeck-Combs Communications, which helped market the census to gay people. “We’re not all rich white guys.””
Thanks for the news flash, buddy.