Petition to Microsoft: Stop Raising Money for Anti-Gay Hate Groups


“Did you know that dozens of major brands, including Target, Macy’s, Delta, Netflix, Apple, Microsoft, Dell, and even Sesame Street are supporting known hate groups through the link referral service know as the Christian Values Network (CVN)?

According to CVN, there are more than 170,000 charities that benefit from the CVN’s service by receiving donations through purchases made through the site. For example, someone could buy airline tickets from Delta, and the airline would make a donation to the charity of the customer’s choice through CVN.

Unfortunately, there are several organizations included on CVN’s service that support discrimination. The Southern Poverty Law Center has declared the following organizations as known “hate groups,” for their blatant and repeated homophobic lies about lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people.

Focus on the Family
Family Research Council
Summit Ministries
Abiding Truth Ministries
Liberty Counsel

Each of these charities receive donations through CVN when customers buy products through CVN stores linked to these charities. Corporations that are typically strong on LGBT rights like Microsoft, Apple, Macy’s and others, are allowing their brands to be used to raise money for organizations whose major focus of work is hurting lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people.

This has to stop. Call on Microsoft to insist CVN stop using their brand to raise money for hate.”